What's New
Version 4.3 available
- Recent files menu option is added.
- Create backup option is added.

- A lot of minor changes.
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Version 4.2
- New engine with an unique compression module. It provides best compression
ratio comparing with other js minifiers.
- The compression is fully safe. That means that the compressed version of your
JavaScript is ready-to-use without a worry about a possible script malfunction.
- Now, in most cases, it's not necessary to obfuscate names of variables, because
the compression makes the code completely unreadable.
- New clean interface.
- Folder drag-n-drop.
- 'View source in Notepad' and 'View result in Notepad' functions are added.
- Header comment can be added to every processed file.
- A lot of minor changes.
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Version 3.1.8
- The improved engine. Before Javasript file processing its syntax is checked:
- Parser completely corresponding the standard;
- Exact recognition of regular expressions;
- Exact recognition of a code.
- Automatic correction of the incorrect syntax is added (JSO adds ; and brackets where it is necessary).
- The program interface is changed.
- 'Create backup files' setting is added.
- Several minor fixes.
Download Now! (1.15Mb)
Version 3.0.5
- New engine. Before Javasript file processing its syntax is checked.
- You can indicate symbols which will be used for generation.
- New format of project files. Support of old project files.
- The ability to assign a header file is added.
- Command line support!
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Version 2.53
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Version 2.22
- bug fix version of protect javascript source program
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Version 2.01
- command line support
- keywords.lst - defines reserved language specific words that can't be changed
- custom file extensions can be added in .ini file
- fixed bug with processing if/else and try/catch
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